
How To Transport Villagers In Minecraft

librarian villager

This is, no dubiousness, the simplest way to transport villagers based on how few blocks it requires. Recommended for shorter distances, locate a village with an unemployed villager, or ane that doesn't have a profession and isn't a nitwit. With this method, it's recommended that you simply attempt to lure 1 villager at a time.

Supplies Required:

  • Job Block: lectern, composter, smoker, butt, brewing stand up, blast furnace, cartography table, fletching tabular array, cauldron, stonecutter, loom, smithing table, or grindstone

Once your target is within sight, identify down the chore cake, and they will seek out a profession and exist lured towards you. Keep in listen, they will seek employment past searching a 48 block horizontal radius.

If the villager doesn't go for the task block, then either another one is on its way to claim information technology or they can't notice a path to it. You can continuously place and break the job cake until your village is habitation, safe at your base!

move villager in boat

What a threatening look!

For those who live not far from a hamlet, only likewise not beside it, a gunkhole is the adjacent best matter for transporting a villager. Boats are easy to arts and crafts and best for medium distance traveling. Whether its an unemployed villager or 1 that does have a profession, locate your target and begin prepping the surface area.

Supplies Required:

  • Boats: As many as your inventory can fit.
  • Blocks for a barrier: Dirt, planks, or asphalt are the easiest to break and preferred.

Before trapping villagers, make certain you take a path figured out starting time. You tin can row a boat on the ground, just it isn't a quick method. Use naturally spawned waterways when yous can, or spend time creating a temporary river to where y'all want your villagers to live. Keep in mind that outside water, boats cannot motility vertically upwardds and they require a width of ii blocks.

In one case the path is prepared, information technology'southward time to try and trap a villager in a boat. The all-time method is to wait until a villager is inside a building, and then cake up the door with yous inside information technology. Identify down the boat (or as many every bit needed) and the villager will pop correct into information technology! Now yous can go into it yourself and row yous both abode safely!

Long Distance: Minecart and Runway

villager in a minecart

This method is for those who desire the fastest way to send multiple villagers across longer distances. Information technology is a trickier method, however, and requires more than supplies that aren't easily available in early game.

Supplies Required:

  • Rails: Made with iron ingots and sticks.
  • Powered Rails: Made with golden ingots, sticks, and redstone.
  • Minecart
  • Redstone torch or cake
  • Blocks for a barrier/path: Utilise blocks that are easiest to break down.

As with the above method, make sure to have a path prepared beforehand. Villagers crave at least a ii-cake height, then make sure they won't hit their heads going through tunnels. The best manner to complete this method without risking the villager's life is to have the entire rail placed before beginning transport. Depending on the distance, still, you might not have enough resource to brand that happen. So ensure to calorie-free upwards the path, bring a bed, and take some sort of barrier between where the villager stops and any hostile mobs nearby.

As well place a powered runway every 38 blocks for maintained speed or every bit needed to get up inclines.

Getting villagers into a minecart is more difficult than a boat because they can only be placed down on rails. Rather than try and corral villagers out in the open up, re-create the method in a higher place by blocking them within a structure. Once they're in a minecart, you tin connect the rails together and send them on their way!

With the Wild Update, game version 1.19, new items and blocks were added to Minecraft and the recovery compass was 1 of them! What does it do? Read here to find out.

How To Transport Villagers In Minecraft,


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